Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tokyo : Part 15

Day 5 : Harajuku

Boring lepak kat Yoyogi Park, moh ler kite ke Harujuku. Sebut Harujuku nih, teringat plak lagu Gwen Stefani, Harujuku Girl…

Wa mono - there's me, there's you (hoko-ten)
In a pedestrian paradise
Where the catwalk got its claws (meow)
A subculture in a kaleidoscope of fashion
Prowl the streets of Harajuku (irasshaimase)
Super lovers, tell me where you got yours
(at the super lovers store)
Yoji Yamamoto, I'm hanging with the locals
Where the catwalk got its claws, all you fashion know-it-alls
With your underground malls in the world of Harajuku
Putting on a show, when you dress up in your clothes
Wild hair color and cell phones
Your accessories are dead on

Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style
I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan
Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style
I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan

Harajuku girls, I'm looking at you girls
You're so original girls
You got the look that makes you stand out
Harajuku Girls, I'm looking at you girls
You mix and match it girls
You dress so fly and just parade around (arigato)

I'm fascinated by the Japanese fashion scene
Just an American girl, in the Tokyo streets
My boyfriend bought me a Hysteric Glamour shirt
They're hard to find in the states, got me feeling couture (it's really cool)
What's that you got on? Is it Comme des Garcons?
Vivienne Westwood can't go wrong, mixed up with second hand clothes
(Let's not forget about John Galliano) (no)
Flipped the landscape when Nigo made A Bathing Ape
I got expensive taste (oh, well) guess I better save up (cho takai)

Nampak tak? perempuan US pun kalah dengan style awek-awek Jepun dalam bab stylish. Harajuku adalah pusat tumpuan yang awek-awek dia pakai pakaian unik yang dipanggil Street fesyen. Rata-rata fesyen diorang terpengaruh dari komik Manga diorang.

Kalo nak cakap pasal fesyen Jepun, aku tak expert ler. Tapi aku tau jugak 2 jenis fesyen yang faymes cam Gothic dan Lolita. Lolita yang faymes, yang sweet-sweet comel, color2 pink, tu Lolita. Counter dia ialah; Gothic yang ala creepy, wajib ader warna hitam.

Masa on the way ke Harajuku, tetiba couple nih muncul…

Tapi tak sempat nak snap-snap diorang.. yang sailormoon tuh memang comel giler ler. tak sure laki ke pompuan, tinggi dia lain macam fishy sikit...

Tampat yang Happening kat Harajuku ialah Takeshita Street, tambah lagi hari ni hari Ahad, maka ini lah jadinya..

Tada!... tetiba ada Maher Zain versi hot

Takeshita Street

Kendian, ada geng Lolita berarak...

Kalo naik JR Loop Line.. turun kat Harajuku Station nih.

Memang happening habis, aku tak sure apa benda diorang cari kat sini sangat. Tapi yang menjadi ralat, aku tak jumpa awek lolita nih, salah timing lagi kot…

Kat Harajuku aku sempat merasa aiskrim crepe, yang macam Rajah Farah makan dalam rancangan Rasa Halal tuh. Sambil makan sambil lepak. Sesekali ada orang jepun pandang-pandang aku siap senyum lagi, bukan ape orang jepun nih jenis keep moving atau takreti duk diam, diorang tak penah kot tengok orang lepak tepi jalan sambil makan aiskrim,.. haha, banggalah pulak bawak budaya lepak ni ke negara orang.

Then, terserempak plak mamat warga pakistan, (ke Iran,aku tak ingat, nama ada dia bagitau tapi aku tak ingat jugak) duk promo kebab ayam kat street nih. Disebabkan dia hensem, kitorang layan jer lah. Katenye Student Engineering, wat part time jer jual-jual kebab ayam nih.. hehe
Epal + Cinnamon crepe (terbias cahaya matahari..abis jadi putih pic nih)

 Kebab nih ader di second floor

time tuh pulak lah ader artist Jepun wat promo jumpa peminat, bersesak sesak. Korang kenal group nih?

Ader lebih dua jam jugak ler duk lepak2 cuci mate kat Harajuku nih. Dah memang hobi aku suka tengok orang, sayang betul nak tinggal kemeriahan tempat nih. hehehe...

Then patah balik ke Shibuya Crossing, kat sini aku lepak sampai gelap… bukan apa, nak feeling feeling cam scene citer Resident Evil: Afterlife, yang awek Jepun start nak jadi zombi tuh… win sangat…

Antara shot malam Scramble Crossing Shibuya. sebenarnya banyak, tapi ni je lah aku share... malas aku nak ngedit.. huhu


#ader 1 lagi entry Jepun ni yer kengkawan.. sabar semua...

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